


22 3
thx for all the likes! 👍🏻👍🏻🙂
no problem -Matt 😌✨
to pack for her suprise trip!! I was in charge of her packing so I had to pick underwear, dresses, bras, then I had to go through her 7 make up bags to find the products she'd want then I packed her curlers and straighteners and she happened to catch me stealing her bra 😂😂
yeah she did.... until she found out I was packing for hols
I (Matt) had pistachio, Sam had caramel, Josh had hazelnut, Frankie had chocolate
gtg we'll be back soon
she does 😂😂😂 she was like when u get married, I'm coming to you're wedding and I'm gonna do a speech of all the embarrassing things u have done in your life and I will definitely mention stealing my bra 😂😂
yeah 😂 she knows all the stupid things I've done so it would be so awkward for me
like once I was gonna make her laugh by like dressin up as her, but I got so confused about how to put a bra on and then the skirt and top were okay but the tights were so hard...l then I put on heels and was wobbling around all over the place!! and I got confused between mascara and lip gloss and accidentally put my mascara on my lips!! 😂😂
Ikr 😂😂
except they don't put mascara on their lips 😂😂