Doing these simpleton collages are addiciting aha, sorry for the lack of originality, i just want to get back on my feet with simpler works.


Doing these simpleton collages are addiciting aha, sorry for the lack of originality, i just want to get back on my feet with simpler works.

43 0
omg woah this is amazing πŸ˜±πŸ’• love the background pic as well !
I hope year 11 goes well. my school supplies are very basic this year, just wrapped my books up in silver wrapping paper and put a label on themπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ oh, we have swimming too. u have already done two lessons in school (we do swimming in hpe). I am an ok swimmer (like I can actually swim a lap of the pool without dying half way) but I am not fast. I just like to chill in the pool not swim laps. we have swimming carnival sometime in February 😬😬 I am dreading that day because I don't like competing in swimming and I always come home with dreadful sun burnπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ”₯