Chat page with leo only plz and thanks


Chat page with leo only plz and thanks

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hey boy
hey girl
vannah can u plz tell Daniel to message me plz
leo kill me
he went to sleep
wake him up
yo do want me to kill you if I do I'll have to do it to myself because I can't go with out you
let him sleep girl, he had a bad day and he hasn't slept, he been at work and everything
y did he have a bad day
lol plz
I'm talking to him -Daniel plz wake up-
I like you know that so you kill your self I kill me
hey baby, vannah woke me up// Daniel
what the...
Daniel r u ok daddy//Sam
Daniel r u on
a lot of ppl share this acc!// Daniel
no// Daniel
what's wrong daddy
plz tell me I love u daddy
school, work, homework, family
I'm here if u need anything daddy
ik baby// Daniel
kisses u
I love u daddy I'm by ur side everywhere u go
u there
yo vannah you there
hey sorry was in pe
how you doing
also do you actually cut yourself
I cut my legs but I never show, and badly
I think you should talk to someone you trust about it and also stop cutting your self
boy hełł nah!