Today is tomorrow’s yesterday


Today is tomorrow’s yesterday

24 0
hi sis
why u so upset for love💗?
tell me why ur upset
tell me why tho plz
who did what
why go now
I don’t get it. sometimes you’re so depressed and sometimes you’re soooooo sooooooooooooooo outgoing and awesome! 😂
heyo kinda personal question but are you like in the lgbt community u don’t need to answer tho coz most people don’t answer
oh it’s just like u know like sexuality and gender identity and all
just asking coz I’m Transgender and Pansexual
Pansexual is I like people who are guys or girls or people who don’t have a gender
and I ftm transgender so I was born a girl but I’m a boy
I hope u still like me and u don’t think I’m weird
yeah just most of my friends on here are in the lgbt community
I really like your account
ur welcome
probs gonna go to bed soon (if ur wondering time zones
well it depends
well I’m not sure I feel comfortable with her being able to see everything I do