No. It's cute but no.


No. It's cute but no.

31 0
KANEKI and hide isn't a good gæ ship tho
it's a Bromance
kaneki and Touka is good XD
YASS but KANEKI x EMILY is even better cause he's meh bae like Haru too
well I like Prussia
Yes you do.
b-boi XD
otp tho
PruCan 4 life
I have a question sensei
how is PruMano a thing I mean like srsly how
I don't know
and sorry PruHun is OTP to me
and ppl think PruMano is a thing because they both are the less known representatives or their country and could disappear because of it
PruMano fûcking sucks, I'm sorry lol.
yeah it does suck
Hahah I ship Prussia x Crazed Fangirl woohoo
c o n s u m e t h e c l o t h , H u n g a r y .
XD omg