I Hope You Like It!!!!


I Hope You Like It!!!!

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I'll try to post it at school because my internet isn't working properly and it's not letting me post so I'll try at school
yes. the reason why I asked is because we have something called day light savings and last night at 12:00 am the time went forward one hour
and what happens is when the time didn't go forward it was dark at about 6:30 but now that the time is forward one hour it's still light at about 8:00pm
I absolutely hate it because i can't sleep in the light.
what swirly thing?
do u mean when it flushes
yep I just can't do it, i don't know why tho! it's also because I have trouble sleeping and when it goes an hour forward it's like I go to bed one hour early
also just letting u know if u don't, if u use phonto for your icons then go on style then create a colour pattern. then on the top right corner it says horizontal click on that and that's how u get the multicoloured writing
like when it fades into another colour
can you make me one