Collage by BelieveInUs


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Hi Loren i'm Josh
Ntmyt. and thank you, you're very pretty:)
better now that i'm talking to you🙂how bout you?
that's good-winks-
-smiles and laughs*
Hello i'm Luke-Luke
lovley to meet you to. how are you today Miss?-smiles-
thx(btw my brother thinks ur cute)-J
oh. i'm sorry. you can still talk to Luke if you please. he would love that
Awe, whats wrong?-L
anything i can do to help?
well, my brother is a dîçkhèàd and i would never do that to anyone
um im 18 i play basketball and baseball as well as gaga. i jump hurdles and i love to read. hbu?
That's nice, oh and also i have a daughter:)
-blushes deep red- thank you:)
her name is Maya and she is three
Thank you, so tell me a bit about yourself
you are so not boring!-blushes and takes your hand-
*nods* of course
-blushes,chisses you cheek and looks down-
what movie do you want?
Ok, how about horror?
im not
*sits next to you*
-slowly wraos my arms around you*
-kisses you forehead and brushes the hair out of your face-
-smiles and rests my chin on ur head-
i have to go, goodnight-kisses your lips softly-