#prayforElSalvador i know I post 3 college out of this but nobody seems to care...i mean fùćk them right? It's not Paris or anything it just a poor country you know what it isn't!! This country is full of life!! Not building or anything just earth


#prayforElSalvador i know I post 3 college out of this but nobody seems to care...i mean fùćk them right? It's not Paris or anything it just a poor country you know what it isn't!! This country is full of life!! Not building or anything just earth

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El Salvador🙏🏼
I feel you. it's terrible. the countries that r having a lot of hard times never get onto the news or anything. but if every once in a while a popular place gets attacked, it's everywhere.
I'm not saying that the Paris thing wasn't big and tragic. it was. I'm just saying that this kind of thing happens every day in other parts of the world, and nobody here notices