Collage by emilycjackson


107 1
I would go up to him and say," HEY, HOWS LIFE GOSTY!!!!!!!????????"
I would run because I'm a lil cry baby but in school I'm the 2nd toughest girl almost #1
I wouldn't run because he's so cute ☺️☺️☺️
I wouldn't I want to be his friend
I would be very nervously (and maybe a little scared) go up to him and ask 'what's up'
aww it's CUTE
omg so cute!!!😍😍😍😍
omg that is kind of sad I would be his friend if I saw how sad he looked 😔 and I would repost if I knew how but I don't so I will just feel sad for him and pretend I am his friend
knew how
What if he is manipulating all of you guys by making you think he's cute, but in reality he's just a b****?
he is so cute!!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️