I would like to thank all of our amazing followers. You guys  are so nice so for the holiday I am going to give out 3 shout outs. I will tell you how to get one in the comments


I would like to thank all of our amazing followers. You guys are so nice so for the holiday I am going to give out 3 shout outs. I will tell you how to get one in the comments

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comment something nice that you did this/last week
I gave my best friend a chistmas present
who are the 3 shout outs?????
you and any other People who comment if not then you and nycdancedream
I got some presents for my friends, and I got these candy cane Hershey Kisses and my friend really likes them so I'm giving some to her even though I already gave her a gift, and my friends and I stopped a hacker