Collage by PerfHipster


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what's been going on?
a lot of homework and stuff like that but everything's fine hbu
just school and stuff like that hbu?
same. I have so much homework this year but yeah
same tho ugh everything's so tough
I know. especially this year like it's different than any other year idk why
yah probably cause I just started high school and moved so like I'm new here and stuff like that so it gets really tough at times
I started high school too!! oh and yeah that must suck): I bet you'll get the hang of it tho!!😘
that's cool! and thanks ❤️😘
you're welcome❤️❤️ what's been going on besides school and moving?
nothing much been getting into supernatural and stuff like that. hbu?
just kinda settling down before i get really busy in the next few weeks. it's gonna be rough😕
same I have so much drama cause I sing in chorus and I have people who I don't even know talking about me behind my back and saying my voice sounds bad and I'm annoying...
awe I'm sorry about that): just ignore them it will all get better. they shouldn't be judging you because you could easily judge them right back. "just forget the haters cuz somebody loves ya"😂 but for real just forget about them
thanks 😘 and yah it's hard cause someone I befriended told them what I said about them... and I stopped talking to him but now he telling other people that he misses me and wants to be my friend again and it's so confusing 😓
awe😰 well you need to find out who your true friends are. anyone that does that is not a true friend. just forget about them and find someone who will stick by your side and who you know you can trust