Collage by Britta_May


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it's going to be ok Amy*gives you a hug* some wonderful family will adopt us and they will care for us
since we're sisters they can't resist taking us both
don't worry Amy everything will be ok*continues to play with her dolls*
oh look Amy there is a Mom and a Dad,maybe they will adopt us
*the Mom and Dad walk up to us* and say "oh i really want to adopt these two girls" "what's your guys names?"
uh...hi my name is Hayden
if your taking one of us you have to take the other *mom looks at husband*"honey,should we adopt these girls?"
so they take us to their car
"ok girls I'm going to take a nap you guys play in your room"
uh...yeah. I got shopkins
or we could color Mommy a picture
what should we draw for mommy
sure I'm on it
yeah sure you have to start with the stem
"girls I'm up" ok girls tomorrow you guys will have school Hayden you are in kindergarten and Amy you are in preschool we need to clean up and get in the bath so you are all clean for school tomorrow,Amy you are going to go first
and also girls tonight after your baths we will go to the pet store to pick up our new baby dog,but you guys have to agree on a name for her
I want to name it Leighton about Daisy
um sure honey Hayden do you like that name to
ok sis let's go to school my teachers name is Mrs.Geisler
I don't know we're not different are we
well what should we do
well sis we have to go to school
don't worry
ok sis we need to just hide in our room