Smoke Clears by Andy Grammer
AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I finally get to use this font!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much to audryhephburn24_extras_inspiration!!!!!!!!! Sry if I spelled that totally wrong!😜


Tapppppy Smoke Clears by Andy Grammer AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I finally get to use this font!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much to audryhephburn24_extras_inspiration!!!!!!!!! Sry if I spelled that totally wrong!😜

24 0
me too! and wow that sounds suuuuper good πŸ˜‚πŸ¦
would you like to enter my giveaway?(due in a few weeks) (sorry for the copy and paste message)
and btw I am a total idiot! I got the background and font from Flintstone09_EXTRAS she is AWESOME go follow her!! y’all should pretty much just follow almost all my followers!πŸ˜‚
this is so cool