Collage by percolator


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*picks up lilah and kisses her cheek* we’ll be back later sweet girl
*walks out to the car and gets in, fixing my dress*
i havent been out since lilah was born
lucky you *laughs a bit and fixes my hair in the mirror*
*fixes my dress and laughs a bit*
i finally lost all my baby weight from lilah *laughs a bit* i could barely fit into this dress two months ago
*gets out, fixing my dress and walking in*
*walks up to the bar* vodka cran please *smiles at the bartender*
*sips my drink and crosses my legs* hennessy huh? *laughs a bit*
*nods a bit and looks around, sipping my drink* so, got your eye on anyone now or still too soon after the breakup?
mm last time you did that you ended up with a baby *laughs a bit*
mm tell me about it *laughs* lilah’a a handful i can’t imagine having two
come on let’s dance *holds out my hand* no more parents talk *laughs*
*sips my drink, walking to the dance floor holding your hand*
*dances as i sip my drink*
coke on don’t be boring *grabs two shots, handing one to you* dance with me
*dances and takes the shot, chasing it with my drink*
*dances, beginning to feel drunk* mm this is fun
kk *follows you and sips my drink*
*finishes my drink and walks in, slurring a bit* fancy seeing you here
*locks the door as i bend over* mm birthday s*x? how sweet of you *giggles, slurring my words*
*feels myself getting wet as i moan softly* mm bray