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u need to stop
awww it’s trueeee it is crooked
i was gonna fix it but i only have one hour on this app every day
and it would’ve taken too long 😂
I think the text looks good
I think u need to fix ur eyes
it’s art...
and u need to stop bc being mean isn’t the answer
lol. it’s aesthetic, not “crooked”
and that collage is better than anything that you can do
hi, please unfollow me. this isn’t the time to do this, considering that there are people all over the world who are angry and upset. it’s very inconsiderate to make a h💗te page at all, but it’s especially rude and thoughtless in times like now. h💗te isn’t the answer.
haha the crooked part is supposed to be in the collage stupid aśś🤦‍♀️
and go work for charity instead of making hatepages
omg unfollow me... so what if she made ‘crooked collages’ at least she make good collages, oh and btw...if you feel jealous don’t express it this way...because we all know that’s how you feel (so true ^^^ cami)
excuse me? are you serious. this is not the time for this, and that fact you made this account & collage over a stupid issue. this is not crooked, its a style. it looks creative & unique unlike you.
there’s multiple parts of hàte in the world right now, and your contributing to it.
please unfollow me and stop being rude to her. she’s amazing and hiding behind a hatepage is pathetic
get tf out of here dude. she’s such a great person. you don’t know anything about her. i cant believe u actually get satisfaction out of h@ting on people and trying to make them feel bad about themself. jeez man. stop being a b🌵tch
imagine being so insecure you have to resort to h@ting on others
you wouldn’t know bc you have no sence in what a good collage looks like you idi0t and alto is an amazing name bc her user is the violinist and you wouldn’t know this you funny but alto is a range for music so shut up and delete this account
it’s disgusting that while there is so much violence, injustice, and death going rn in the world you choose to put energy into creating this
i love how for the rest of ur life ur gonna know that in a time of need for solidarity, power, and kindness you decided to be an aĹĄshat
good luck with you’re life and i hope this doenst haunt you or anything-
haha it is ugly
the person who made this would have spent time on it and i personally think its amazing. we dont need anymore hāte in the world right now
I like that name and I like the text I don’t see a problem with it
so she spends time creating, imagining and putting effort into her collage, and people love her for it. meanwhile, you spend 5 seconds hating on her collage instead of giving her some constructive criticism or not saying anything, and you expect people will appreciate what you’re doing? please, get a hobby or job that benefits the world.