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smiles and glances at clock* aww the dance is almost over
*smiles* any last things we need to do?-
nothing I can think up *rests head on your shoukder*
*smiles* this could possibly be the best night ever...
sighs* could be....
*i shudder a little* my leg...oh um...just a cramp... *smiles worriedly*
raises an eyebrow* what's wrong? *glances at your leg*
*i look at it* I might of cramped it...it hurts bad thou- *i fall to the floor* OOF!
caballo! *sits beside you*
*cringes* this is not good! it hurts! Ow!
somepony help! *i shout and looks back down at you* why would your leg be hurting?
*smiles a little* that snake was poisonous I guess...
growls* and you didn't care to tell me? *hears ambulance outside* good.somepony called the hospital
*looks at you with my eyes tearing up* I failed you *i fly up onto the top of the school*
no...wait caballo! *flys after you*
*i curl in a ball while sobbing* what...I'm stupid to think that we would raise a family...and now I must pay for my mistake
gtg to bed night!)
ok goodnight and see ya in the morning after church!)
pay for what? *takes flower out of hair and holds out you* you are my one and only best friend.
*looks up* thinking we would raise a family was a mistake...maybe I should just be alone and have no friends! *i zoom to my house and cry into the pillow*
caballo! *flys after you* (when do u want to do the princess thing?(u could be a long lost prince if u want to too)
(ok that sounds good) I bury myself in my covers*
caballo.... *i speak gently and walk over to you.Sits next to you on the bed*
*i lift my ears and sly pokes his head out*
*pets Sly*Why are you so upset?we were having such a great time.
*i crawl to the corner* because I don't want you to be sad...so I did something
why would I be sad and what did you do?
I knew you were sad about your fathers death so...I gave him my soul...and he will be here in 1 day...and I will not
you did WHAT? *i shout* why would you ever do that?
*tears fill my eyes* plz tell me your joking
*i back towards the wall more* I'm sorry...I don't deserve you...I'm worthless and you are amazing in every way...that's why I liked you...
*takes a step towards you* don't u ever think your are worthless to me.I would rather have a real friend like you than a bunch of ponies who pretend to be my friend.
*i poke my nose up* fine...ill stay...only for you...
the past is in the past for a reason.Whats done is done.What matters is what you do with the time you have,not the time u had.
*i poke my ears out* interesting...but...I am still an idiot for thinking what I did...
can't u take it back?
*looks at you* take what back
take back giving up your soul
yeah I just to not make the deal...anyways...do you think it was stupid that we would raise a family together
stupid?why would I ever think it's stupid? *tilts head*
*looks past you* I meant it will never happen
who said that? nothing is ever impossible *smiles*
*looks around* it's common sense...you don't like the way I like you do you...if you do well...then I was wrong...
well,if I told u how I felt about you, it wouldn't be so mysterious *grins* you'll just have to find that out on ur own
*smiles a little confused* ok then... *i fly up and then hit my head on the roof* ow! *i back away into the wall* Oof!
giggles* you alright there cowboy?
*smiles* yes *i slip out the window* bye! *i fly onto the top of the house without you noticing*
rolls eyes and flys outside* see you tomorrow! *flys off towards house*
gtg bye!)
ok bye) i stop and wait for you* is it weird that I wanna kiss you?
not rlly.I know it must be hard to resist my likable charm. *grins*
*smiles* guess your right *i kiss you and blush really hard* like you said I couldn't resist
chuckles and blushes slightly* lets get to class before were late again
do u want to stop there and head back into the future or just keep rp?)
stop there And head to the future
kk) ruby looked at the ground* those were the good old days.where all we had to worry about was being late for class
*looks at you* yeah...now we have a lot of other worries on our hand (lol I have a new hater but I know who he is so there is no hiding it)
ya I say....ugh I hate haters!)
nods* we need to find the new mane 6 so we can defeat discord
*smiles* we sure do...but we can't forget about the forgotten prince...we have to find him too
nods* which shouldn't be so hard since I'm half royalty *grins* now where do we search first?
*thinks* maybe we have to ask them certain questions...
like? *blows hair out of face*
*thinks* do you have any mysterious powers?
shrugs* I've never rlly tried anything.all I know is I have very strong magic
ok...well I know I have magic wings...and...how about we try to find the prince first...
nods* ok.do we know what he looks like or where to start looking?
*looks at you* the library! we can read about him there (so who is the lost prince gonna be are we gonna stick with me or...)
you can be the prince if you want to😊) smiles* yay the library!!
ok I will) *smiles* lets go! *i fly towards the library)
flys after you* I can't wait to see who it is!
*thinks* I wonder what his name is..probably sir prancealot (how about Caballo isn't my real name and that's my cover name)
ok!) laughs and lands on the steps* I know the section where we need to be looking.follow me
*i follow you* ok... *sneeze* gosh darn dust allergies..
stares at u with wide eyes* u don't think discord here do you?
*smiles* you think he'll be here..,I have dust allergies so I doubt it
shrugs* just a precaution *looks at the books on shelves* here it is! *takes out a dusty book*
*looks at it and I sneeze* geez no one ever uses these books I guess
rolls eyes* it is a history book *sets down the book and flips through pages*
*i look around* I wonder why no one is ever here...
rlly?you wonder why people don't like to read? *smiles and glances down* aha! "After the castle had been destroyed,there have been numerous searches for the prince."
*looks at it* that doesn't explain anything...
I'm not done reading. "the last none location of his whereabouts was......ponyville *glances at caballo*
*glances at the book* ponyville,..why there...
idk..... *flips a few more pages* that's all it says
*thinks* Maybe... *i look through other books* Here! "The Lost Prince"
I though that was book was a story to read to young colts and fillies?
*looks at you* maybe it wasn't a story...maybe they were trying to tell us something... *i hand you the book* we need to go to your house
nods and glances around* we never know when someone's watching *puts book in bag* lets go
*walks with you* ok...
flys into air* race ya!
*smiles*ok *i fly leaving a fire trail behind me*
hey!i didn't say start! *flys after you*
*i stop dead in my tracks and you fly past me* hehe
grr not funny caballo *turns around in mid air to glare at you*
*smiles* sorry...but you shouldn't get Ma dat me...you won...
rolls eyes* haha very funny.lets just read this book *flys in through windows and sits on my bed*
*i fly through the window and sit beside you* ok let's read this... (my prince name will be Blue Storm)
cool name!)
alright *opens the book* you want to read it or shall I?
*hides behind a pillow* you read it I'm scared *laughs a little*
rolls eyes* alrighty scaredy pony *opens book* "as the kind and queen looked at their son, Blue Storm, they thought everything was right with the world."
what they didn't expect,was there was a new villain in town.He went by the name if Discord."
after taking over the kingdom,the queen had no choice but to give him her son,hoping one day he would save the kingdom."
*thinks* so if he was last seen here he must be near here...does it have a photo of him?
flips through some pages* here *show him a baby picture of the prince*
*looks at it* it looks familiar...blue skin...grey hair...hmm
it's ur long lost twin *jokes and tosses the book to him* where should we start looking?
*grabs the book and opens the page with the pic* he has a scar on his lip to...what a coincidence...we have the same skin hair and scar...ok let's go
hmm...could it be possible he's the prince? *thinks and shakes head* ya..ok coming!
*thinks* what if I do have a brother...
how about we go to city hall? they have info on everypony in town
ok! I'll look through mine to see if I have a brother! *i fly to the city hall*
follows you*
*i search through all the books but don't find mine*hmmm where could mine be...
maybe if the classified section? *shrugs*
*walks over there and looks through all the books* no....
hmm.... *walks over to the secretary* excuse me miss, we can't seem to find my friends card
*secretary looks at me* S: name please Me: Caballo *secretary types on the computer* S:hmmm it says Blue Storm...weird
glances at caballo with wide eyes* erm... that's okay. I think urs might be in Equestria... um thx for the help! bye! *grabs your hoof and flys out*
*flys with you* hm I hope they have it...WAIT STOP
My sis! it will have her siblings and I will be in there!
ya but caballo, it said Blue Storm, and you do look like him..... could it be a possibility?
of him being my brother...I guess...
no caballo.....that u are him
*i stare in disbelief* me...a prince...but...
shrugs* it does make since.Did your parents ever mention you being adopted?
no...yes...I can't remember
can't we ask ur sister? she must know something!
yes we can *i fly towards my house* Sis!
*sings* sweet dreams are made of these...travel the world and seven seas *i zoom into the house* (I want my power to be speed)
ok which would make since ur loyalty (rainbow dash)
caballo! *races after you*
*sings again* everybody's looking for sonethin. SISTER AM I ADOPTED *i pin her down* hm? Leila: umm...w-why
we're asking the questions here.Is he adopted?
Leila: w-why...C-Caballo is my real brother *she smiles nervously*
Leila....plz, we need to know the truth. the whole world is at stake
Leila: ok...he is...his real name is Blue Storm...he's the lost prince...can you get off me now? Me: what? *i zoom and get a hotdog and come back before she can get up* Sweet dreams
I stand there mouth opened wide* well, that's shocking
*i zoom through time and I put a blanket over Leila and I grab you and run*
wh..where are we going?caballo, slow down!
*i stop and were at a lake* ok we need time to think
nods* agreed.so...you're a..a prince
gtg bye!)
*thinks* I guess so...
and I'm a princess, wow we have so much in common now! *smiles*
*smiles* yeah we do
now all we have to do is find the new mane 6 *sighs* piece of cake right?
*looks at you* well...I know exactly what to do...
really? what?
*smiles* 1) we can ask princess Celestia to call them because she knows a lot or 2) we can ask every pony if they've had weird dreams...like we did
nods* how about we have a audition? we pretend the dreams are for a band or something and let them try out? *shrugs*
*smiles* that's perfect
*smiles* cool! I'll go make the posters.Where should we hold the auditions?
*thinks* at the high school j guess...
it is summer, so maybe they'll let us do it there.Great idea! I'll meet u at the school tomorrow with the flyers!
ok then *i grab you and zoom to your house* here ya go
blows hair out of face* thx for the warning
*smiles* later tater *i zoom to my house*
growls* I hate it when he does that *sets bag down and pulls out the book.flips through some pages*
I still can't believe it *sets the book down goes to bed*
*i put on goggles and put on the song "Sweet Dreams (are made of these)" hehe *i zoom around town and past your house*
srrsly?lol ok ur nickname is officially quick silver 😂great now I can't stop laughing!!!)
lol I just love him after watching X-men Days of Future Past and Apocolapyse)
yep 😆loved him when the house blew up.favorite scene of the whole movie)
yeah especially the pizza dog his name is TaunTaun) *i stop at my house and get on my pjs brush my teeth play a game of Pacman and go to bed*
done in three seconds! *smiles*
next morning: yawns and stretches
*i wake up and zoom to the highschool*
makes fliers and flys over to the school* hey caballo
*before you say hi I zoom to you and pick you up and set you on the highschool rooftop* ah a perfect sunrise...
how...how did you....?
*smiles* people ask me a lot of questions Ruby...
(hey!how about in the future after this,we create an Xmen mlp rp!) rolls eyes* it is a nice sunset.I got the fliers ready too!
(that's AWESOME and do you know who I would be?) ok *i grab you zoom back down hand you the fliers and smile*
lol yeah, I'll think about who I should be.Though if u were Scott and I was Jean, it would make since u have a crush on me)
it's not nice to go through other ponies bags *smiles and hands you half* can u help me set up?
yeah I guess so...does quicksilver have a crush that you no of...)
I'll search it up)
okie dokie)
nope no crushes)
lol ok)
*smiles* of course *i grab a stapler and fliers and staple them to the trees all over town* Done!
stares* alright it seems fair that u can do it faster than I can...... *hands u the rest of the fliers*
How about for the Xmen thing we play as normal people?)
*smiles* I'll go slow this time *i I go normal and then look at you and then go fast*
laughs and shakes head* thx caballo
yeah that would make more since)
*i walk towards you* what now?
now we wait (I'll comment on their acc. telling them they are in)