the workers are really nice, they have more than band merch, for instance cute plushies and anime stuff. hot topic is for anyone :)


the workers are really nice, they have more than band merch, for instance cute plushies and anime stuff. hot topic is for anyone :)

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the workers are SO nice. one guy looked through literally every vinyl they had to see if they had any fob
they didn't, but he was so nice to look through them all
The employees are SOOOOO nice. they are respectful of everyone, unlike some other stores. and it's not like it's an "emo only" store
^^i totally agree!! a worker had a really nice conversation with my mom and that's why she likes that place lol. my dad is kicked out since he argued that there was no sign😂
we don't have hot topic in the UK and I'm so jealous. It looks amazing
it's honestly the best place ever. I can't think of anything similar to it that would be in the UK. :(
I love Hot Topic! Everytime I go there the workers are so nice!