My boyfriends in the hospital.. *cries*πŸ˜“


My boyfriends in the hospital.. *cries*πŸ˜“

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so sorry for you
I'm sorry
*cries* I-I h-hope he will be okay
I hope he will be tell me when news come out-Mia
hello who's on in this account?!
I'm on -jaz
babe… -Jake
are you okay???
I'm okay *squeezes your hand* I was thinking of you the whole time
I've been so worried. as my sister I was crying
I'm getting out of the hospital now wanna go to Starbucks?
okay *holds your hand and gets into wheelchair
*holds your hand and pushes you* are you okay?
yeah I'm fine I can pay for coffee
no. I'll pay for it!
it's okay baby I got it
no I'll do it
babe! okay okay you win this time. gives you a kiss
babe you okay
yasss *orders*
okay can I have an ice coffee *tries to look up over the counter in wheelchair* I feel like a 5 year old
*laughs* I want a mocha frappe
πŸ˜‚*starts wheeling over to coffee counter*
*helps you* don't you have crutches?
doc said I have to have the wheelchair for a weekπŸ˜”
then crutches
ohh. can we at least cuddle tonight?
for sure babe
yasss *smiles and gets both of our coffee*
*takes a sip* you wanna go to my house and cuddle
okay *holds your hand* you wanna go now or stay here a little longer?
you can choose babe
okay let's go to my place *gives you a Kiss and holds you hand*
okay *smiles*
*wheels over to door and tries to open it* i can't even open a doorπŸ˜“
*opens it* sorry
it's okay *rolls out of Starbucks*
*walks beside you*
*rolls to my house*
*opens the door*
thanks babe *rolls in*