This girl said she was a TØP fan and then I asked her to name 4 songs and she said ride, stressed out, and heathens and she didn't know anymore and i was slightly pïssed


This girl said she was a TØP fan and then I asked her to name 4 songs and she said ride, stressed out, and heathens and she didn't know anymore and i was slightly pïssed

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my friend did the same thing
how annoying ugh
I love you're cat ears!
My fren did they same except she added cancer on the end and before I could say I was a cover she. said ^ØMFG I love cancer it's my fave song and I can't believe MCR stole it like MCR who even listens to them then j got pïssed and slapped her
omg people do that to me twenty four seven I'm like boiiii