so apparently my friend's mom isn't letting us hang out bc she thinks we're dating by E


so apparently my friend's mom isn't letting us hang out bc she thinks we're dating by E

58 1
Soo pretty!! (I love Frank)✨💕
thanks!! and I mean who doesn't
😂😂your absolutely right✨
LMÀOOO that sucks
@thecaption wow that's awful, my mom sometimes gets concerned about that too omf😂
every time I hang out with a guy my mom asks me if that's my new crush and if we had a makeout party and I'm just like mUM NO
moms are rEally annoying sometimes tbh
but they don't go to my school and live like 30 minutes away from me
thats true. i used to be girly and i became tomboy and started playing sports & stuff and i had this guy friend and he came over bc we were partners for this project but hes my friend so we were like laughing & stuff and after he left my moms like "MI UR TOO YOUNG TO DATE" i'm like omf mom hełł no we're just friends