So this was already edited like this ( except the sparkles I added those) when I found it on the internet, but I HAD to post it. I was home sick today so I reread a few of my fave chapters from one of my fave books ever: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. I reco


So this was already edited like this ( except the sparkles I added those) when I found it on the internet, but I HAD to post it. I was home sick today so I reread a few of my fave chapters from one of my fave books ever: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. I reco

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... recommend this book because ITS SO GOOD. Unless you are homophobic, (which if you are get off my account cause there's loads of lovely gayness). The ship is Baz and Simon, and I love them with all my heart. THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD YOU MUST READ IT but I would read Fangirl first because it will make more sense after that.
CAN I RANT: OKAY, I WISH THERE WAS MORE, LIKE WHEN I REREAD I WAS LIKE DANG I NEED MORE!! SIMON AND BAZ ARE BAE😍I HAVEN'T REALIZED HOW MUCH I HAVE MISSED THEM 😂😭If you have read this book comment if not still comment💕 also sorry that it's kind blurry