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oh haha whoops my spelling today is so bad
tell me when you're on
srry but I won't be on tonight 😕
night I guess
so will you be on tonight
u know me so well
so I was talking with my friend
and you remember Cassidy and Natasha right
well we created a lesbian princess and the pauper au starring those two
the friend was bluescarf btw in case you wanna check it out
no srry😬 should I?
hold on let me find something real quick
found it
what is it?
Natasha's bio
anyway so since it was an au some parts of it don't tie into the harvest high canon
one part I do want to be canon
is that Natasha and Cassidy end up married
and they adopt five boys and two girls
headcanon that it's common for Plattes to start large families
like dr Platte had five kids
oooo can I design Natasha's wedding dress and u draw Cassidy's?
we'll talk while drawing
and can u draw the kids?
you name them
at least four of the kids
I'll do the other three
girl: Cadence, Lola
boy: Gared,Carlos
boys: Malcom, Robyn
and Arthur
cadence is from Mexico
Lola's from Kenya
Arthur is from England
sounds good
Carlos was from Puerto Rico
of course
gared is from France and is the second oldest
where should Malcom and Robyn be from
I finished the drawing
Malcolm is from Canada, Robyn is from Africa
btw the ages of kids from oldest to youngest is
Robyn who's 18
gared is 16
cadence is 15
Malcolm is 13
Arthur is 12
Lola is six
and Carlos is 1 and a baby
hey which part of Africa is Robyn from
how about Uganda
sure I like that
I'll draw them while you come up with their personalities
Lola: has asthma, allergic to peanuts, kind hearted sweet girl
Malcom: grew up in rough neighbour hood, independent, "emo", nice at times, blogger
my brother has asthma and is also allergic to nuts
Cadance: girly girl, smart, party girl
also headcanon that cadence is really annoyed by her siblings
she loves them but she would never admit it
also I like to think she has a knowitall attitude
Carols: dumb cute baby, has hard time growing up
Arther: smart, polit , gets bullied, coloured
Robyn: loves his siblings but is really strict with them
like this is why cadence has to sneak out at night
Gared: tough, mean, bully, big
what do you mean by colored?
also he's dumb
Robyn: independent, DJ, has a girlfriend, has apartment, firefighter
tbh Robyn and cadence's relationship is like Nani and lilo in the beginning of lilo and stitch
I never watched that movie
okay so there's this scene
also coloured means 👱🏿
hold on let me look it up on YouTube
please don't use that term
it has a very negative connotation
it's like using the n word
not sure how it is in Canada but you still shouldn't use that way
I know that's why I try to say it in a not offensive way
yeah but it's still offensive
say you called me the other f word
it doesn't matter if you meant it in a friendly way
the word has a negative history and anyone who's not a part of that group shouldn't use it
thank you
for that understanding
I'm glad you understand
there's a lot of people who'd rather ignore things like that
hey this is off topic but is tri on
I think so
I commented on one of his posts
what do you wanna talk about
how many friends do u have on pic collage?
how many people do I follow because that's how many friends I have
the answer is eight
what about you
idk I have u for sure
but idk who else
ya him too
do you wanna continue the headcanons?
I like hearing and reading ur stories
okay so cadence is bi
and she goes by cady
and so far she's brought two boyfriends and one girlfriend over
cue her siblings being like " wherever you go, whatever you do , I'll be watching "
brought where? party?
Cassidy and Natasha were pretty friendly tho
no like to her house
to meet her parents
cady's gf was tall and they met in book club
her name was agatha and she didn't socialize that much
they dated for half of 8th grade year until agatha moved away to Australia
then cady dated this boy who worked with her at a summer camp
keep going plz
his name was cole
he was Korean, good with kids and a great singer
unfortunately he dumped cady for another girl
she spent three days crying in her room eating ice cream and listening to Adele
cady's current boyfriend is Alejandro, a Hispanic boy who was her partner at the start of the year
his father left when he was 7
and his mother struggled to raise him
he's a year older than cady
I'm drawing cady rn
would it be okay to give her dyed hair
okay what should I color her hair
any headcanons of your own
no I like urs
aw thanks
but I need something to work off with here
ok which character?
heathers is a musical
he had a very close family
it was his mom, dad, and his little sister Jamie
okay so
his family was killed and he was the only survivor
Jamie died from cancer at an age of 4
his mom and dad got shot in a robbery at their house
he was only a little kid
ur turn ...
and walks with a limp
as he got older he had to use crutches
and he got into. foster home
his blog is about emo stuff and how disabled people are treated
it was pretty rough
hey listen I'm really srry but I've gtg
I have school tomorrow
luv u night