Collage by moonstrxck


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it’s up now
you have such a nice smile!
thank you x so your job explains the whole summer break thing
yes maam i just redid it, lmk if it’s pending or not. but are you ready for the school year to start?
tysm! the bright colors suit you well (:
yea idk how you do that cause i couldn’t 😭
no i like kids too, the issue is the number of them cause no 😭
more power to you, once the school year officially starts maybe we can to something to celebrate/mourn the loss of summer
no, it was to give more incentive for you to hangout with me (: but yeah something like that is nice
yeah ok, im definitely down for that. what do you suggest we do?
i’ll give feedback on options you give, and how about going out?
okay so… mixing 2 options here: go eat at a nice little place to talk some, go see a movie & then frozen yogurt afterwards to talk about the movie and wrap up?
i meant to press 3 oops
meet there and then figure out the rest as we go. where are you wanting to eat specifically?
sports bar is a good option
sounds perfect, see you soon?
okay, if i get there before you I’ll grab us a table or something
im just about to walk out the door, I’ll grab myself something to change into but thanks! *grabs a pair of sweats and a tank top to change into with a zip up, putting it in a bag as i check my hair in the mirror and goes out to my car*
*puts my phone in the cup holder and drives to the sports bar*
*checks my phone as im at a red light and answers you* okay, got stuck in traffic. be there soon
*parks after a few more minutes of driving and heads down to the front of the restaurant, waving when i see you to get your attention* baylee, hi!
*adjusts my skirt as i walk over to you and smiles softly* did you have to get a number or something to wait for a table?
good morning!
i just got unbusy but heyyy, im down to hang whenever
anything is fine and ya ofc! what’s the ig you’re using?
i requested to follow you (: we can talk on there! move night?
hey ig isn’t working or something bc i went to say hey but nothing is popping up for you guys?