|| Sebastian Stan Edit complete with Sebastian Stan Quote, 2 for price of 1 ||

If there's Phan trash and band trash, then I am Stan trash. Which isn't too bad because he's like a super-nice celebrity.


|| Sebastian Stan Edit complete with Sebastian Stan Quote, 2 for price of 1 || If there's Phan trash and band trash, then I am Stan trash. Which isn't too bad because he's like a super-nice celebrity.

24 14
omg thanks so much!!! and no, I just use PC
sry read it wrong. I'm mean, Idk. I just use the editing thing, but I usually do black and white. the pic remixed tho, was actually from the internet, I just added the words (I know I cheated!😂). Also, I'm super obsessed with Thor and Loki too! they rock!!!❤️❤️❤️
thx for spam!!!!❤️👍🏻
he's amazing
SEBASTIAN 😍😍😍😍. he's life