‘jealousy’ (tappppp)
wrote this todayyy was a lil mad 😛
tell me what you thinkkkk


‘jealousy’ (tappppp) AHH 1ST POEM IM POSTINGG wrote this todayyy was a lil mad 😛 tell me what you thinkkkk

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Amazing and really cool we can definitely collaborate any ideas also the chat page is up for our collaboration
Omg love this!! So sassy 🤩
yall I js realized I said lifting instead of flirting 😭 mb mb
Added some ideas to our chat page for the collaboration
this is better than Olivia Rodrigo
how are you doing dear??
I will definitely let you know 👀 we text everyday and i’m gonna see him sundayyy 👀
this is amazing ❤️
hehe i’m doing great:)) how was your weekend??
Thank you :)
OMG MON THIS IS SO WELL WRITTEN, YOU'RE SO TALENTED !! i love how you put these questions in your poem, this text is literally electricity- i could read this all day haha !! how has your weekend been by the way <33
thank u lovely !! samee i love reading so much but i always feel like i don't have any time :/ anyways which book are you currently reading?? & i'm doing well, thank u for asking.. school is a little stressful this time but i manage quite good i think !! how are u??🫶🫶
this is really good!!! how long have you been writing poetry???
new post!
AWW OF COURSE !! my weekend was pretty good, i went to the birthday party of a friend & it was so fun.. and i went shopping with my mom & my sister, i bought some clothes for summer ♡ i also had to study for the tests of this week ://
hbu ?? what have you been doing mon ?? & i've unfortunately never heard about these books, how do you like them ?? i'm currently reading "a magic steeped in poison", i started a few days ago & it's quite well written ;))💘💘
The poem for the collaboration looks amazing and really pretty.