Hey guys please help! this girl is being so rude to this acc! It's like she is the Queen bee of us or something but all I can say to "the_pastel_zone" is... it says COMMENTED, I thought comments are supposed to be nice and not for telling people "that I w


Hey guys please help! this girl is being so rude to this acc! It's like she is the Queen bee of us or something but all I can say to "the_pastel_zone" is... it says COMMENTED, I thought comments are supposed to be nice and not for telling people "that I w

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don't be mean. if u don't like being bullied. Don't bully her. just stop. both of u will be okay
I try to tell her to stop, but......!
she said that I was a fake 😪 but I'm not!
I told her to but.......!
please if your not going to help go away
right your the one that were I ask for help and you blame it on me! sorry but just go if your not going to help ~these-crazy-teens
ok thnx😊