idk how to do it without a computer though so if you don't have one sorry. Also to download itunes you just look up itunes and click the first link and then there's a download button in the corner


idk how to do it without a computer though so if you don't have one sorry. Also to download itunes you just look up itunes and click the first link and then there's a download button in the corner

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is this legal bc for some reason I have a severe fear about downloading illegal stuff
i have no idea
thank you!
I'm gonna do it anyway I'm such a rebel
^ its not legal but i mean come on we all illegally download music
true true
oh shoot i didn't mention before the "edit" "get info" thing you have to select a song, you can only do it one song at a time
Also; there's a video on youtube called How to download No Phun Intended, theres a link in the description that takes you to dropbox with the whole album + album covers so you don't have to add it, and then you can download it and drag it to your library.
ok so I have it on my computer now, but how do I get it on my phone?
once it's in your itunes library (and after it's finished loading up which takes a while) it should just already be on your phone