Everyone is either having Thanksgiving dinner or something, and there's no one on.


Everyone is either having Thanksgiving dinner or something, and there's no one on.

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oh hello!
I'm on!! 😊 our guests just left
isn't it like three o'clock where you live? we still have to wait for our guests.
yea. we did lunch tho. my uncle went to see his inlaws and my grandpa is at his old neighbors house
we're doing lunch. this year, it's at my uncles house, and my cousins are the only ones coming.
cool! you're pretty much doing the same thing as me (OMG TWINSIESπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—)
I'm on πŸ˜‚
well I just got back from school cause I live in ZE CANADA
isn't Canada like the best?
that's coming from an American btw