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hey baby girl
Hey bbg what u doing
nothing but has anyone told you that you are so hot
No nobody told me that
well baby I want your lips on mine because you are so cute 🥰
Aww 😍 thx me to but we are far away 🥺
I know 🥰
do you have a phone number
I love u so much
no not yet
and I wanna have sexxxxxxxx with u if that’s ok 👍🥰🍑👅
That is can u show ur face pls 🥺
how are u baby girl
Good u
I’m good wait is it still Emily 🥸🥸
wait we can’t date anymore never mind 😔😔
but why can’t we date I love you ❤️
Bc i am done i found out u and summer are dating
no we aren’t me and my sister share an account I don’t like summer I love you ❤️
I’m not joking this is her
pls baby
Hmm 🧐
please Emily I love you not summer
Ok we are dating again
I’m sorry if you thought that but please I live you not summer me and summer aren’t even dating
thanks baby ❤️🥰
We are dating
Np bb
okay so do we like send nude pics now or something lol 😆
Idk wyd
nothing u
Nothing just on my real phone talking to u
oh and little pick to send nudes you have to make it small so send me one as a practice ❤️🥰🍒🍑👅
tip not pick
sorry but can we talk
maya-models again sorry
hey :)
Now we are done we are not dating no more
I didn’t do anything:(
I’m sorry whatever I I’m did
babe tell me
what’s wrong I thought u were mad at me
I am
why I thought you broke up with m e
I did 😡😡😡😡😡😡
um and you broke my heart
so we both have broken hearts but we can fix them together
How amaya how
um idk but I will date you
U are dating summer
I know 🍑🥵🍒
we can be friends