These dogs are the best like if you agree and help save this kind of breed


These dogs are the best like if you agree and help save this kind of breed

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me and my dad really love pit bulls
Hi! I'm Glow_Gurl. recently, someone voted for me to get a feature. so please like my collages, and vote for me! thanks!😉💖💋💖😘 btw LOVE PITBULLS
I love all dogs
I did have one but it died 😔😢😥
a pitbull almost killed my dog so they are on my hate list
and they should honestly be illegal
They’re pretty but some are pretty mean. there was 2 that killed there owner and was eating her body🤮 So I probably wouldn’t get one
I love them so much. I love all dog breeds including pits. Especially pits
That is all how you train them
Oops and Chic outfits. You may see other dogs that are nice but they probably have access to food and weren’t beat up
Most aggressive pits aren’t treated properly or they weren’t in the past.
These dogs are truly wonderful if you give them a chance
I have a pitbull of my own and I love it and I hate people that miss treat pit bulls because they are such nice dogs and they will only attack if they feel threatened or is they have been mistreated my stupid people
they are the best! I have 2!