Hi I'm Beth! I'm single !


Hi I'm Beth! I'm single !

35 1
yea I am single to I know how you fell
Ikr -Beth
Beth you are beautiful inside and out
and should I change our name
yea Beth you are beautiful in the inside and out do t let anyone dull your sparkle
yes you should change it and the icon so we are both on it
thanks -Beth
so yea Beth wanna be friends
yeah!!! -Beth
ok Beth
yea so now we are besties so let's get to l so each other
well hi! I'm Beth! what's ur name! -Beth
I am Brianna
nice to meet you Brianna! -Beth
nice to meet you to so how old are you
15 u
Beth is that better
what should it be called
yeah it's better! idc what's it's called
I am 12 but I will be 13 in two week in October
awesome !!!
look at our name
your name says making a group
oh it says 2 girls need two boys cool name
thank you
is Beth on
yes is Beth in
ok where is she
I'm here -Beth
ok team meeting
so try and get two boys in that like girls and then if that want to they can join the group
okay plan revived 😂-Beth
yes and Beth inside of-Beth do -b and I will do -m
good luck😋😉😉😉👭😀
ok Beth
thanksssss -b
did u change the password
hey Beth
cool, I luv animals and pizza too! especially cats!
Isn't that may baby from YouTube that's not u is it
I think so baby
what is your real name cause I watch a your over who looks exactly like you and her name is meg
you tuber and her name is Meg
yes it is are you a boy if you are want to be my boyfriend
Beth its m someone is hacking the account-m
because I want people to now me and also lol
you are an idiot. that's meg