7 days till Christmas... Yay


7 days till Christmas... Yay

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? what do you mean?
just to be friends... coz you know my sister and your from Australia
I'm from Australia to
that's her in the photo
I get the feeling you hate her ...
oh ok ... so you like jay?
if you want I can't see if she will date you ... if you want me to
do want me to see if jay will date you?
and Aja got all the looks in the family... so did my older brother ( James )
ok.... she is really pretty isn't she ...
I can't wait for Christmas to be over
don't think like that ... you are nice and you deserve a great girl like her and who cares if you had a bad life . she should love you for your bad story and help you make a new one ... any girl would be lucky to have such a great guy like you ... I hope she say Yes to you :)
yeah I hate Christmas too ... it's a waste of money and time ... and I have a big family so the house is full of new stuff and noise
awww ... I'm sorry ... :(
do you have any brothers or sisters?
what !!!! I'm so sorry ... * cries in shoulder * you really do deserve a good girlfriend like jay then
yeah I just sent a message to jay
Hey I'm Ryan
jake if you ever wanna talk I am always here to listen :)
yes and she told me to tell you that it's a " YES " she will date you ... yay
she sent me a message saying " tell him it's a yes "
what why?
why would you change your mind ?? you are a great person .. I know I would never change my mind .. I guess she doesn't know when she has a good thing ... are you ok? wanna talk?
don't say that ... if you won't a great person I would not waste my time on you ... but you are ... and don't say that about your life ... we all have bad days and good days ... and the bad days will pass one day and the good days will come back you just need to wait for them .. that's what some people forget to wait for the good days and that's why they leave this beautiful world ,.. so remember that's they will come back soon trust me and you will find a great girl soon .. and you will love her very much and she will live you lots to :)
I know you do
and that's great but ... does she feel the same way?
I have this massive crush on this guy and I have for 12 years now .. me and him grew up together and he's my best friend and I'm his and we both love each other but we can't date intill we leave high school ...and I hate that coz he gets girlfriends and I get boyfriends and we both get jealous at each other ... coz we both love each other so much but we can't do anything about it in till we leave high school ...
that's girls for ya
that's why my brother is gay so he doesn't have to deal with girl drama
I wish I was there with you to hug you and tell you it's all going to get better soon ...
ok I asked her ... waiting for the answer :)
just told her we talk .. oops sorry ...
she called me a stalker..
hey are you ok ?
awww I'm sorry
I really am sorry tho
is there anything I can do ?
you know all the new post are to make you angry and to make you stop likening her ... that's what girls do ... I never have but a lot of other girls have
she wants a boyfriend with no baggage... that's why she friend zoned you .... she would not know when she had it good if it hit her in the face
me ?
why block me ?
what did I do ?
oh ok .... sorry
? I'm confused
I don't know
maybe she didn't want to hurt you ... but by not telling you she only hurt you more
that photo ( quote) is something I wrote last year when I loved someone so much .. I think you might like the quote
do you like the quote?? I thought you might like it and that you could relate to it at the moment
nope ... you can post it I don't mind :) ... your my friend and I would be happy for you to post it if it makes you happy :) coz your happiness is all that I care about in my friends and also their health :)
you can say thank you around about now .. hahahaha jokes :)
I think you need to see this !!! it's not very good ⬆️
ok .... and are you ok with being friends with her?
ok ..... so how's it going ??