this episode on: Becca is bored and feels shîtty so I'm going to ignore all of my life problems and listen to The Hazards of Love (fav album tbh u should listen to it) and drown my sorrows in useless posts


this episode on: Becca is bored and feels shîtty so I'm going to ignore all of my life problems and listen to The Hazards of Love (fav album tbh u should listen to it) and drown my sorrows in useless posts

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you're vv amazing to try not to be hard on yourself love ✨
you're pretty sick. that's pretty hard to be. but you're sick. as frick. ~Ani
you seem hella cool, even through my iPhone screen. -Jayce 💕🌚
stay alive |-/ (Caroline)
we've never talked but I can tell you'd be a cool person to talk to :) you're amazing just the way you are don't change for anyone,,,
you are a beautiful person that deserves to feel beautiful- Clare
this is a nice comment section this is fun fun fun thank ily2 thank thank fun fun fun
if you're reading this, you are worth staying alive. you can get through anything, you are POWERFUL. I love you and stay strong💕
your great, your amazing, your frickin awesome and deserve to live life to the fullest it can get and enjoy doing so because ironic yolo~Katherine
you're strong, tough, beautiful and funny. you deserve to be happy and there isn't a single person that wouldn't like you.