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hey val what’s up!
i am playing a game, and eating pizza 💪🏽
it’s called apex legends 😎
it’s basically fortnite 2.0, it’s taking over
fortnite has potential, but developers are just gonna keep making new games :,) soon apex will die
fortnite had*
right money’s gotta come from somewhere :,)
i’m contemplating on ordering some pizza or not ha
what about you?
i like pineapple on my pizza 😪 don’t come at me por favor
hey val , cute name . I’m Daniel
anytime val my love x it’s going good to be honest
and you ?
exactly ! it’s fire
and i did order some i do not regret
Hiyaa I’m Cameron X
nice to meet you Val. pretty name you’ve got there. you’re super pretty also. how are you?
i’m anna
i’m nareumon X
yo again !
hii, i’m theo 🤪