Collages? Please tell me what apps and how you edit your collages/pictures because they are soo good and amazing (mine are really bad!) xoxo Milly


Collages? Please tell me what apps and how you edit your collages/pictures because they are soo good and amazing (mine are really bad!) xoxo Milly

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Collages???? please tell me how you edit your collages/pictures because they are sooo good (and mine are really bad) thanks guys xoxo Milly
Hi! Thanks for asking me. All I do is get a nice picture type a nice quote with all different fonts add cool filters, sparkles and decorations
And Thankyou!! I would LOVE so much to be friends with you! your so sweet!! 😘😘 xoxo
all different please follow me
+BeKindAndSmile thanks so much X I really appreciate it xxxxxx
yes definitely
ok! 🦄