All credit to ButterflyerX for the inspiration and the actual poem! Make sure to go read the whole thing on her account! (fyi I think only a week left of the aesthetic theme, not sure tho)


All credit to ButterflyerX for the inspiration and the actual poem! Make sure to go read the whole thing on her account! (fyi I think only a week left of the aesthetic theme, not sure tho)

143 1
your icon gif is literally my life
OMG thanks! (I spend at least 5 minutes every day staring at it)
oh my god. it's beautiful! I like how the pics go with the lines of the poem! (the guy in the poem was actually Harry styles...) and me love your icon. :)
BY THE WAY Anyone reading this: I'm unfollowing a bunch of people for the rest of this week, so if you want me to follow you, please like one of my collages! I'm no longer doing follow-backs! (I'll put this is the caption of my next collage)
the master is my centuries-old son. 💚
and at your comment above, I did do follow-backs, until I got to 500, then I realized my home feed was filled with mean and disgusting stuff...keep following me, tho!
well, he hates my race, religion, and pretty much everything about me and my family and friends, so I have a reason to hate him. and even though he can't do what he says he'll do, just him saying it for publicity is an indicator that he has no other things to say and will not be a good,president. if I could vote, it will be Hilary.
dear hater that followed,the both of us, just because I don't like Astrid doesn't mean I'll follow you.
I,would,just march up to his face and say everything about me that he hates and then I would say, "I got a message from the DJs if America. if you get elected, the only bass we'll be dropping is this." and then I'll throw a fish into his face.
I'm glad I achieved my mission.
and dude, he says he get rid of immigrants when immigrants built his dam house and his wife is one of them.
you're welcome for that advice, I hope everything turns out all right with him (your breadbin icon gif is pretty amazing too❤️)