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hello, I’m Ava x
hi i’m caitlin
how are you?
nice to meet you kyle and listening to music , you??
hey I’m Kylie
hey I’m Sam
listening to galway girl by ed sheerann
what’re you listening tooo ??
nice to me you too kyle <3 nothing really, you?
mm sounds like my usual. I think we may just have the same nickname
never heard of itt
mm well I guess I’ll have give you one and call you my
sounds good, maybe I’ll do the same 🤫
hey :))
die something? if you mean dye, I’m down :)
ohh hah sure .. remix me :)
hi kyle. :)
nothing much :)
what are you up to?
oh no no no
i don’t do scary movies
because most of them involve clowns or dolls and those are a no go for me
maybe not hateeee
strongly dislike
hehe why thank you :))
i am pretty cool, aren’t i? :)
whooPs i’m not cocky, i promise
suPer duPer cool
hMm well
it’s cOol that i’ve been igNorEd
ntmy, hru?
I’m ari btw
hey hey I’m Chloe