Idk...a little rusty😁 sorry guys. The fog will lift eventually and hopefully I will post better stuff.


Idk...a little rusty😁 sorry guys. The fog will lift eventually and hopefully I will post better stuff.

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I know it's a lil rusty but I still luv this collage πŸ˜ͺ
I got way to excited cuz ur like the second person on Pc I know who does poetry
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i may post some sometime and I'll let u know but lonely-mind does it all the time and hers is good πŸ˜‚
omg I envy that πŸ˜”
I usually need a new song to get the gears turning and my mind flowing πŸ˜ͺ
yeah if I write it it comes in bursts and normally at like 3am for no apparent reason. idk it just happens that way.
songs inspire me a lot too tho, and also just random phrases i read or hear sometimes just give me a cool concept and I make a poem or something out of it.
wow music is so important to me, like I need every second and for poetry but there's this one poem, my first poem, that I wrote without music
I handed it in to the teacher and she never gave it back cuz it was model like and I never asked for it either
now I regret that πŸ˜“
I know I'm super late, like almost a year late, but I'm sorry to see this account go. You were the first person I met on here. ily πŸ’•