Heh. Me after a long day at school


Heh. Me after a long day at school

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hi sister
so are you feeding right now
same here I fear two hours ago and I'm starting to get hungry again
what's wrong
well I'm glad you are okay
or maybe your not ok
just clam down
if your hungry then here take my wrist
you can't hold your cravings in forever you know that right
if you do you'll go into a feeding frenzy and you don't want that to happen right
so tell me the truth how long has it been since your last feeding
Hey Via!!!!! wanna chat tonight
good morning sister
are you hungry
here take my blood
you need to eat
please take my blood
if you don't you'll die now drink
please I don't want to lose another friend
I'm sorry about this but you need to eat * bites your wrist
there now you have to drink
shows you my neck * do it
bite my neck and drink
that's it just let it all out
ok that's enough
please stop
see you can't hold your cravings down because the next time you feed you may not be able to stop yourself
what do you mean it'll get worse
I'll see if I can find anything in my books
well I'm still going to look
I think i found something
you said that you were turned into a vampire right
did you drink the blood of the vampire who turned you
do you remember who turned you
well let's see if we can get into the archives
well if you can remember who turned you maybe we can find them
hey wake up
what happened did you remember
did you hear anything
what else do you remember
did you hear any names
ok well the child did it sound like a boy or a girl
you said you heard a train
well there is only one place that is near the train station and that's the old storehouse
maybe if we go there you'll be able to remember who turned you
ok we won't go
I understand
well the only way to to make it better is to find the vampire who turned you
you want a hug
hugs you
I'm here
so were you able to remember anything else
well why'll you were sleeping I went to the old storehouse and found this picture
it is you
is it you
well do you remember the vampires name
well let's see if we can find out where he lives
do you want to get better
then we have to
let's go
well we are here
you ready
alright let's go
do you remember anything about this place
this place looks familiar to me but I'm not sure why
what why are you scared of me
but how could you know that it was me who screamed
cmon please get up
wake up
what's happening
who are you
let her go NOW
fangs come out * I'll use these and I won't let you go
so what I'll still kill you if you don't leave her alone
you may be a full vampire but I'm a pure blood vampire I was bitten by a pure blood vampire
you killed her
crying next to you
your not dead
um never mind
doesn't she need your blood now
what did she do to make you suffer
is that why you turned her
because she killed everyone you loved
my question is why did she kill them
please give her your blood she's my best friend and my sister
and I don't want to lose her
my blood won't help her only your blood will
please don't let her die * starts to cry*
I can't lose you to i lost everyone i loved now I'm going to lose another friend
can you help her miss
your son is very selfish
he looks like he's 18
so do you think he'll help my sister
thank you so much miss
please be ok sister please don't die
please you have to help my sister
thank you
what do you want
she is not staying here
if she stays I stay
ok now please save my sister
thank you for saving my sister
your alive
sleeping in a chair
starts to wake up
oh thank goodness your awake
I was so worried about you
that's a long story
well you should get some more rest
ok well I'm going to go back to sleep
sis where are you
* I'm in a different room * I can't see anything
* trying to get away *
*I bite whosoever hand is covering my mouth *
* i can taste blood and I've tasted it before * mark is that you
woman:no it's me your sister is in trouble so I bought you here so you would be safe
Lilith:please let me go I have to help my sister. woman:ok I'll let you go * she untied me and I go to find you
sister where are you
I find you
sister what happened
I'm gonna kill him
you are so dead
why I trusted you
please help us
you can't just let him do this
mark:STOP don't you touch her
Lilith:mark thank goodness your here to save us
mark:you can keep her but I'm taking Lilith
no I can't leave my sister
mark:cmon Lilith let's go
Lilith:I will not leave my sister AND YOU CANT MAKE ME MARK
pulls away from mark and bites dillon on the neck
I don't let go
I let go
had enough Dillon
mark:your ether really smart or really stupid
Lilith:mark get her and let's go
mark picks you up and we all leave
back at my house
mark:she needs blood. Lilith:I'll give her mine * I bite my wrist and give it to you
just let's you drink
mark:she needs more * mark bites his wrist and gives it to you
let's you rest
please sister drink * mark brings his wrist closer to your mouth *
please you need it
cmon please it's the only way to help you
please stop being stubborn and drink
I'm not gonna let you die so if you won't drink his drink mine
take my blood * puts your mouth on my neck *
sighs as you drink
raps my arms around you * that's it just drink
now what happened
when you saw that I wasn't there
Lilith:mark thank you so much for saving us
mark:to be honest I was only there to pick up my guitar and I heard you screaming
Lilith:oh mark is in a band * starts to fill weak*
Lilith:n no I'm fine * falls on the floor *
Lilith:I said I'm fine
*mark turns me to him and puts my mouth on his neck *
*I can't hold back and I bite mark *
*after a while I stop *
Lilith:sister what are you doing * smells your blood *
Lilith:oh no not again
mark:is she ok Lilith:I'm not sure
Lilith:mark run now
Lilith screamed
mark tries to pull you off me
starts to pass out
a few hours later
starts to wake up
good morning
what happened
mark:I don't know
Lilith:what ever happened gave me a headache
I hope she is ok
oh that's not good
Lilith:I don't know what to do
sister are you ok
you sure
ok well why are you coughing up blood
why are you coughing up blood
well you should sit up
why don't you pick a movie to watch
how about vanhelsing
good morning
have you fed yet
same here
I haven't fed in three days
and I'm really hungry
you want mine * gives you my wrist *
your eyes are turning r
no your not
cmon you need to eat
your fangs are coming out
your hungry you need to feed * shows you my neck *
please eat
*pulled your wrist out and gives you mine *
sits down as you feed
don't you feel better now
good I'm glad
what do you mean wired
maybe your tired
well get some rest
hey how do you feel
that's good
show you my wrist * here go on
but you said you are hungry
and remember what happened last time you didn't feed
you still said that your hungry so cmon * gives you my wrist *
please take my blood now * puts my wrist in your hands *
mark:your more stubborn than Lilith and that's saying something because she is very very very stubborn
mark:look I don't want to do this but * mark pulls out a knife *
mark:this * mark cuts his wrist *
Lilith smells marks blood and so do you
mark:drink my blood
*mark puts his wrist in front of your mouth *
*Lilith tries to bite mark on the wrist *
*Lilith sits pouting *
mark:ok ok here Lilith. Lilith:yay * Lilith bites marks wrist *
Lilith:cmon you have to at least taste marks blood
Lilith:your right she is more stubborn than me
mark:I'll go get her
once I get 500 followers I'm going to show my fangs