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nah it didn't sound rude at all :) I just feel like they're too basic. I want something exciting to happen like Jughead and Toni – they've got way more in common. but I think Betty has a lot of problems to deal with right now so she shouldn't be in a relationship if she's not honest to Jughead
I want Toni and Cheryl to happen so badly 👏🏻👏🏻 but idk if it will cause Madelaine and Vanessa are really close friends and I'm not sure if that would make things awkward between them
trueee, im just trying not to get my hopes up 😂 but they would be an amazing power couple
it's totally fine!! I've been super busy with school + I have another account on here. my responses normally take a while because of that – sorry!!
yeah of course!! Tuesday's are like my busiest day. plus in Canada, Monday was family day.
wow that's crazy!!!! even though it's exhausting being the lead of a play is exciting!!
sorry if i sounded rude, my thoughts get in my head and i just think people ignore me
i’ll remix again and see if it works