I posted all of these pics on my we heart it account, so if you want to use any go there and save them!


I posted all of these pics on my we heart it account, so if you want to use any go there and save them!

16 0
so cute!
haha thanks!πŸ™ˆπŸΆ
I know you already know this but I have a pug too and what's weird is that he pretty much had the same Halloween costume except his is just black and green with spiders on the ends, any my dog also chews on his front paws a little, it's not noticeable though πŸ˜‚πŸ’•
And my dog's 8 too πŸ˜„
awwww that's sooo cute Kikwis! pugs are the bestπŸ˜‹
awe she is absolutely adorableπŸ’›πŸ’›