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oh. my god. that's so sad!! 😭😭😭😭
it isn't the first time I've seen a story like that though. I listen to the music of one DJ, (not giving his name away after I saw him cry in public television due to teasing) he was at this party, waiting for his friend. I'll just show you the rant.
that is messed up!!!!
the problem with this world is, people tend to think of guys the wrong way. they think that they actually LIKE it, but that's not true. in fact, the fear of being touched is a ton more common in guys, and räpë/abuse cases in celebrities are a lot more common in males. Kpop stars starve themselves for the sake of their contract, and even US contracts have dating policies. that DJ I mentioned had to live by the policy even with his mental condition. these people are being turned into merchandise. everything they do and say is monitored. apparently that makes it okay to use their bodies up to the pleasure of complete strangers. the people I listen to have harmed themselves because of over-obsessive fans and other celebrities. and guess what, lots of those are females. and we're blaming guys to be the trouble and females to be the victim while we should be opening our minds. I'm a feminist, but this is just stupid. cases like this shouldn't happen to anyone of any gender. we shouldn't tease them for what they have been through. I bet crying on tv isn't any fun. and we only have ourselves to blame. people letting this stuff happen are just as bad. other, normal fans could have helped Josh, but they didn't. we need to remember that they are still human, and everything like this requires consent. or else, it's assault and it is never okay.
thank you so much! this is something you need to post on your page! it's freakin beautiful! it is so true!
I'll put in the remixes of something with a bigger rant. and don't forget some celebrities also do it to other of their kind.
that is just wrong! I don't understand people these days! what is wrong with them?!
these are just normal people! these females are making other women look bad. I don't like it when feminists or just women in general get a bad reputation based on what these people do. it's totally barbaric!
Poor Josh! This is disgusting! I'm very disappointed in those fans!😢
plz enter my games
I know! I'm very modest and I think people should. I mean you go to the mall and see girls walking around in their bras with a jacket, unzipped, on top of it. Come on. And then people go out and ràpe people and it's awful!!! Love your body an save it for a special person you truly love. People make sèx a nasty thing when it's something beautiful God created for two people who are truly in love and want to bring another of God's creations. Why don't you have respect for the bodies of others?! Well that's my mind. Sorry about the rant..
Yes. God made men and women to love each other. He made Eve so Adam could have someone like him. You are supposed to love your spouse like you love God. Once you are married, you committed your life to them, to love them unconditionally! You shouldn't be able to get a divorce, it just showed how you love God, sad. It's just sad. I mean if you got married and you love them, then they die. That's different but I wouldn't want to go and remarry. It would feel wrong. Sexual activity isn't supposed to come until you are married with someone you love like you love God. You are supposed to do that because you love your spouse and because you want to spread God's children. Please please please don't go off with some boy or girl and have sèx, they don't love you! You don't love them. Even if you or they say it, it isn't true. You could get pregnant (if you are a girl) and then the father would run off, BECAUSE HE DOESNY LOVE YOU! Today's society sùcks!! It's really sad!
I support breastfeeding. My mum has done it with all 6 of her children. It's a beautiful thing. You use it for one purpose, to feed your child. If you can't, okay. That's okay. They make... Formula... I don't want to offend anyone but if you look at the ingredients in formula... 😖 So what angers me is when you see people in Victoria's Secret magazines with only in a bra, or maybe not even that. People (especially men) LOVE IT!! 😒 Then you see a beautiful woman feeding her child and she gets dissed. People start hating on her. She's completely covered! She's using her body the correct way. To feed her baby!!! Goodness people! Have a bit of modest!! 😭 This is another thing about the society we live in! 😭 Please people!! Have some respect for your body and others! I know this isn't much about the topic of sèxual harassment, but it's another reason why society sucks! Also, stereotypes! 😫 Girls are weak and meant to be pretty cheerleaders to look at, boys are tough, play football, and can control girls. WRONG!!!! 😭😭
Well I don't agree with that. I have LGBT friends and it's fine. They are just normal people. If that's their choice, I don't care. God will love them unconditionally. They can love who they want. It's not our place to judge or hate or diss on people because they are different in that way.
I'm in my teens... and yes. Using formula for if you can't breastfeed is totally okay! If you have cancer or had your breasts removed then yes! Go ahead. What I'm saying is that in today's society people say that breastfeeding is disgusting but if there is a woman with half her chest hanging out of a shirt it is considered beautiful or sèxy.