I'm really worried about him.


I'm really worried about him.

22 1
he'll be in my prayers πŸ™πŸ»
of course ☺️❀️
he'll be in my prayers, loveβ€οΈβœ¨πŸ™πŸ»
my dad has one as well. they will probably just give him some medication for it. mine had one and is fine now. try not to worry too much. I hope he is okay ❀️
I'll definitely pray for him πŸ’š
God will see him through, he's in my prayers
I'll pray😊❀️
I'll pray
I'll definitely be praying for him!! πŸ’› And I'm so sorry about your "friend"; you needn't feel insecure, some people are just bad and have no reason for their hatred. You are a special and amazing smol bean and don't let anyone tell you different! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’•
how is he feeling did he get surgery I will keep you in my prayers also.