Does anyone wanna talk if you do just say hi in the comments thx


Does anyone wanna talk if you do just say hi in the comments thx

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plz rate me!
what should I rate
fine you
hey alpha
you ok?
yep you?
yeah! what shall we talk about
umm lets see we could talk about how we chased off those wolves and we weren't hurt
oh yeah what's your power?
what do you mean power like superpower
yeah like do you control fire or lightning or anything you can have as much as you like
I'll check
umm all I know is that I want to control lightning that's the only one o thought of
I can click my fingers and spawn anything like lightning or I can turn on lights, I can pull water out of air and drink it, I can turn invisible, I have all the elemental powers, I'm telepathic. I'm just gunna make it shorter. I can basically do anything and I have all the powers and my fave one of my powers is being able to control metal.
I can control volcanoes fire lava crystals and eruptions like earth eruptions if that's ok
yeah of course I thought you meant what powers would you like to have
and lightning like you pls
can I control metal, can I shape-shift, have wings and become invisible?
wait someone's breaking into my house
wait here let me just go get them
yep I think we should have something in common like wings yeah
ok be safe pls
God dam it 😁
what happened? pls tell me
they shot at me but I stopped the bullet with my Ming and redirected it but now I just have a dead body in my mums bedroom
oh my god are you ok
wait what "growls and runs off"
where are you going!?
you will see then jumps on hunter (you hear a gunshot)
growls and chases hunter ripping him limb from limb!!! 😑😑(protecting you❀️❀️❀️)
are you hurt?
thx tries to get up to help but falls
wait not now more hunters!
growls fiercely gets lifted up in the air and grows wings and gets armour!
gets up and starts to make really big eruptions to help
lifts metal from ground surrounding the hunters and the other wolves around (I can't control the power something Is possessing me)
howls and the eruptions kill some hunters
whispers "Romantic_Beta help me!"
PS am I allowed to have wings pls
other wolves are watching amazed but scared there never seen anything like it.
yeah you are aloud wings
hunters hasn't even seen this before
thx and true come on let's show them what we got! flys up and dashes down as fast as she could go
she I that's what I meant
I can't help someone's possessing me
who tell me and I will find them pls tell me I want to help you
it's like a daemon called 'Lucius'
ok do you know his PC name?
flies up and kills hunters with some fire
no I don't :(
it's fine I think it's just the power making me evil!
oh ok I will type on his name just in case try and block him out of you head for now ok pls try hard
a-a-alpha are you ok
alpha! snap outta it now !! pls I need you pls stay with me pls
😈 I feel great!!!😈
flies up to her come on snap out of it now!!
back away unless you want to die!!!
flies up to her and tries to knock her out
πŸ˜‘black outπŸ˜‘
carrying you off to a cave and ties her up
and splashes water over her to wake her up
'Still Blacked out' carry on with the story in a bit
I need to go
come on wake up we are safe I can help you pls wake up splashes water over her again pls wake up cries
looks up tears still in my eyes alpha are you ok?
let me out!!!
it's gunna take more than that to defeat me!!!
romantic_beta can we finishe the story thing?
yes sorry I was shopping
no I can't stand you being hurt I let you free
'snarls and bites your leg'
jumps an you and scratches you I don't want to hurt you but I will to save your life
scratches my own eye and bites of tail for blood to cover myself in to look scary!
no I can't stand this
flys away finds river and has a drink *finds out you followed
taps you on the back are you ok ?
you look in pain do you want me too heal you ?
drinks water as well