I do sound a bit aggressive but I'm just trying to get my point out💦


I do sound a bit aggressive but I'm just trying to get my point out💦

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hi can you like my recent. thx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ❤️🌝
you handled this really decently actually, and thank you for putting this out there, it needed to be said ☺️
I hope that I didn't ever offend you about the style thing. sometimes I make edits that are similar to some peoples so if you felt mad about that from me before, I'm sorry 😬
and I completely agree with you about this tho. I've never actually gotten those type of comments but when people say that it makes me kind of annoyed
Oh the last one is great! I've had people take ideas from be and it was blatantly obvious and I checked there caption and there was 0 credit given... I know it was inspired by me because it look exactly like mine juts had different pictures and the layout was very unique... so I can relate a lot on your behalf 🌸🌈
I feel like these are all fair and make a good point! 🙂