What have I done


What have I done

14 0
You have made beauty my friend. Beauty.
@pyro- yah it's Tony stark
I wont aleast not today
What your name?
and why do you care about me!
@asplashofcrazy- my name is Samia. the reason I care for you is because I've been there, for me it hadn't gone as far but it was enough to make me think of hurting myself and even killing myself so I want to help you overcome it.
thank you so much for your support.
Im giving in.
please don't give in!! I know it seems like the most ideal thing to do but really it's not at all
Um..... i was bullied by alot of people at a very young age for a long long time
@asplashofcrazy- oh...... I'm so sorry. I was also bullied by my family. they had always blackmailed until one day when they said that they were going to somehow drown me in the pool we were going to.
@pyro- I'm sorry but I don't