FXCKING kill yourself you ugly asś guy no body FXCKING likes you not Abby not Adrianna not FXCKING anybodythis isnwhy your a piece of shît no one wants to date your ugly asś


FXCKING kill yourself you ugly asś guy no body FXCKING likes you not Abby not Adrianna not FXCKING anybodythis isnwhy your a piece of shît no one wants to date your ugly asś

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that's great
come fight me i'm prepared
bxtch stfû.
make me (:
kys ugly hxe
man stealing bxtch
this kills me ahah i didn't steal anyone
lol who mans she steal
u dumb asś
go on and roast me i wanna see
she stole my mans? Abby is this true
yes it is 103% true
stfū hœ
why? because you're just mad
no NUNU you can have her ugly bxtch asś
I will
thanks for giving me permission
why so angry i'M
die bxtch
no one fûcking likesyou
i already know that lol no need to tell me
just kys NUNU she doesn't like u
kys = keep yourself safe. I will!
and ik ik is there anything else you'd like to say lol
please keep all limbs in the vehicle. thank you for your cooperation.
atfû dumb hœ
he doesn't like ur ugly asś either dumb bxtch
so if we both didn't care about each other why would it matter
not that this is the case
stop giving out wrong information
are you done or
not till u die
gimmie 3 seconds
tayler can you actually shut up for even like one hour
good he's gone
yea I can now bye bxtch
you know what actually
i'm not done
what do u want
what is wrong with you? we all trusted you and loved you and how do you repay us? by taking advantage of everyone and deliberately ruining our relationships. i hope you're ashamed. i hope at night you think about how poorly you treated us all. and when you finally feel some sort of remorse for your ridiculous actions, don't come running back to us. we're planning on sticking together even if you're a total jerk. (:
how's it my fault you stole my boyfriend.
explain to me how i stole him.
you know what Tayler you need to stop saying that. she didn't do a damñ thing.
ever since we dated all he liked was u. all the FXCKING time.
ok? but that's MY fault. not hers. mine. come do whatever you'd like to say to me I don't care but don't accuse her of doing something she didn't do.
and then you act as if he's some sort of animal that you own and control. guess what? he's a human too! so treat him like one.
fûck you abs and fûck you nunu your a fûckin terrible boyfriend and you always will be
you make me sick, tayler. you make nunu believe that he's awful or horrible when, in reality, that's you. i actually feel sorry for you because we could have been very good friends but you threw that away. it probably won't take long for everyone to hear about this. you're insane
he is horrible. he's ugly he's stupid and he shouldfûckin kill himself.
just delete this app already you piece of shît
this is why you don't have a dad.
he's not. you should never say that to anyone. even someone like you.
how can you live with yourself
being so two-faced.
actually wait no you aren't two-faced you just covered up your hideous personality with all the heart emojis
bitçh im gonna beat ur ašš
you think you can say shît, you can go fuçking drink some bleach I hate you Taylor
kys nunu. Idc about you hôes. I just want nunu to die
you're pathetic.
delete this page. you think it's going to change anything
certainly can't change your nasty heart
bxtch why are u here
you little nîgga I don't give a shît if I ain't Mexican or fuçking black that's what you are. I want to fuçking make you eat ur own fučking bleach and watch you choke. you little whöre i can't believe you'd take advantage of them wow.
your parents made an mistake on this earth go fys
because i really care about nunu and also i'm angry so like
we care about nunu and everyone unlike you dumb bitçh. I ain't afraid to go fuçking hunt you down and beat your ašs
the real fuçking question is why are u still here
he doesn't care about you abs
i still care about him.
he's just a stupid fûck boy who doesn't have a dad who'll probably kill himself because he's a depressed bxtch
the more you speak the more i realize that you really don't know anything about him.
you dumb little fuçking twàt I wanna slap you because you deserve it so bad but your not fuçking get up here so I can beat you
@abs what do you know about him? nothing.
how would you know? (:
and stop calling me that as if we're still close lol
he doesn't like you.
he would never like a bxtch like you
please stop Tayler. idk what you're problem is. you did this all yourself. I'm not some piece of paper that Abby stole from you. you don't own me and you never did. and don't say, that I don't like her. because I do. I really don't care if she doesn't like me or not that's up to her I don't control her feelings. but she didn't do anything to you. she's such a nice person I don't understand why you have to call her all these names for. just stop already.
yes nunu we all know you have a crush on her thanks.
but she doesn't like you
this is why you need to leave. just leave. disappear.
no one cares.
she doesn't. I don't.
if i didn't like him why would i talk to him 24/7
because you know he likes you and you text him so he won't fell bad
just quit it bro
Nunu why do u even like her she's such a hôe
why do I like her ? oh there's sooo many reasons.
I bet ur lying dumb asš
oh really? why do you think that
what r they then bxtch
well, I like her because she's funny, and she's always making me laugh, and because she's nice at times. and because even though we haven't known each other that long she's always been here for me and she always makes me smile and she's lowkey the only person I always wanna talk to. but Ima stop bc I can already see the ship page screenshotting this😂
is actually do like him , just putting that out there