Me and eeyore are soo alike right now


Me and eeyore are soo alike right now

18 2
yeah can we stop talking bout this
yeah sure what you want to talk about
umm how bout that it is 12:5am
I don't give a shît I can't sleep
me either I'm tired but I CANT SLEEP
my Mind Is 🙄 saying 🙅🏻 no sleep
same my friend has not stopped emailing me
my hole body feels like shît
who's your friend
what are you doing in crying puddles of tears
what are you doing tomorrow
probably sleeping
does your mum now you are up
I got a headache 💕🤕
whoops didn't mean to send 💕 finger slipped
I'm hot and I cold and I got a blocked nose
I'm hot and I'm cold I'm yes and I'm no
Soz it rhymed
ok lol
I'm going to say good morning and go to sleep ok talk tomorrow or I'll stay up till 3your choice
night night bre I hop e you sleep good