Me and daddy 5 years ago


Me and daddy 5 years ago

4 0
really I am crying now cuz of ur comment😭😭😭😭
do u relive how badly u hurt my feelings
I can't do this anymore u don't just go out and call people ugly
I am leaving pic collage for good because of u
I weren't joking at all u meant to type a 0 u know that I am ugly
I know what u said and u knew that is is true
but I am 16 anyway
wth did I do to u
I'm sorry for what I did even tho I have no clue what I did
u suck
Why are you so against me now what did I do to you
hey I am being me
so your rude
no I just don't like certain people
so u don't like me
and being rude doesn't help getting friends