Well imma here to help so that’s what I’m gonna do mah dudes. Let’s sing a lil happy song for ya gurl who did somthing today 
Dee da dum da doodle da dum


Well imma here to help so that’s what I’m gonna do mah dudes. Let’s sing a lil happy song for ya gurl who did somthing today Dee da dum da doodle da dum

15 3
ggaaaaaahhhhhhh I’m so bored and I want boba tea
@bio ba da ba BA BA
^ lol that was supposed to sound like the mcd anthem.... bECAUSE IT’S STUCK IN MAH HEAD
all mah frens are going somewhere for xmas...while I’m busy bEING GROUNDED ON XMAS BREAK
ok so you can just comment on here and i’ll check but suppose theoretically if a girl wanted to tell her crush she liked him but was debating what would you suggest. she isn’t sure because three months ago he told her who he liked but now they (the girl) text 24-7. also this person can’t date till 16. same with him.
....I wore earbuds
I’m not actually sure at the moment
@oceanbreeze: that’s so similar to something that’s happening irl for my friend atm. um well there are many options I could suggest. Most people would be afraid of rejection right so it’s hard to just tell the person. if you’d been talking for ages and are really comfortable then I might have kinda started to introduce it into the conversation and see how it goes.
there is also all these things online where they say like smart or witty ways to tell someone you like them. there are even ones that like have a plan if it backfires 😂
^^sorry if this wasn’t much help..
or I might have held off as they can’t date and normally going behind (I’m assuming parents) backs isn’t a good idea.
even just a flirty text and see what happens
I would love to continue hearing about what you’ve done 💞
^lol sorry that’s all for @oceanbreeze
da dummm de doooo dam
ahhaha ok so update i was with him last night but before with him and friends but they already left and when he said bye he hugged me. that seems cheesy but we both don’t do that unless it like my best friend.
SEND HALP PLS. fml go to @Rating_Collages and see her post on me lol I can’t explain what happened
oOF it’s fine they restarted the account it’s fine
that oOF describes my life
ah idk we went to knotts yesterday as a group and it was super fun but the whenever we talked the group walked faster or slower so we could be alone and I’ll be honest they kinda ruined it. partially because I felt like I was being watched.
thank you !
thx !
hey you still here? I have real legit issues with ^more of that
@bio i’M A POTATO
no no your fine!